
8pm - 4am

Dear doctor,

Recently, I am seeing cars everywhere. I tried to close my eyes and sleep, hoping that this vision could go away. But no, after I woke up, they were still there. Yeah, the cars or should I say, vehicles. Then, it got worse. I am hearing Jay Sean's voice over and over again. The word, "Down, down down, down, ..." was constantly heard here in my ear. I just can't stand it. It is very tiring and annoying. After awhile, I tried to move my body. But no, I was stuck. My legs and arms were able to move but there were limited movements. I was getting tired sitting there for a very long time. And I was already getting a back pain. Ughh, that was really not convenience. And then, the process repeated over and over again. Oh doctor. Am I sick? Help me, please.

Baru balik dari kedah,

p/s: PLUS hi-way sgt dahsyat


Jangan dilayan sangat

Normal kau dengan normal aku lain
Rambut sama hitam hati lain-lain
awak mungkin serius, aku mungkin nampak mcm main-main
tapi kamu takkan tahu apa yang terselindung di sebalik kain
awak takkan tahu

no, no. i'm not mad at someone. that's not me.

finding answers,



kamu buang masa . buatlah something yg bermanfaat time cuti ini.

mood menulis panjang2 tiada lagi,